8 Rotating Leaning Strategies

8 Rotating Leaning Strategies to help Reach Student Learning Target Goals in a Classroom

ALL [M-Step] Practice sessions below *should be 7 minutes each. Replace M-Step with your topic. The *resource could be the textbook. Project the timer.

  1. Silent (taking the M-Step / *Your future Test), students *take the test
    1. Teacher walks around room and helps individuals with *earshot voice
    2. Teacher surveys room during last minute for common errors / lot wrong Questions
  2. Teacher Mini Lesson, go every top wrong / missed Questions in detail
  3. Pair students with correct answers (name them the Teachers) with those who struggled to do so (Students) and have the *teachers teach the students *how to solve the problem
    1. [student 1] Teacher has Student (paired partner) read Questions
    2. [student 1] Teacher reads the Questions and asks how to answer it
    3. Student (paired partner) attempts to solve the problem for the [student] Teacher
    4. [student 1] Teacher solves the Questions for struggling (or not) student partner
    5. Student [2] explains how [student 1] Teacher solved the problem (complete learning experience)
  4. Students transcribe the vocabulary Questions from M-Step handout into notebook / or make flashcards (cut copy paper into 8-12 equal pieces)
  5. Students quiz a partner on the vocabulary, either reading;
    1. The vocabulary word and partner provides the definition, or
    2. The definition and the partner provides the vocab word
    3. If partner work is not working, assign a group leader to groups of 4 and monitor groups as you walk around the room and join in. Have group leader play the role of the Teacher and provide a tally point to whoever answers question first. Winner receives a extra credit [dojo] point.
    4. Have a Vocab Bee (like a Spelling Bee)!
  6. Provide alternative definitions to vocab words on paper in notebook / flashcards
    1. Synonyms, antonyms
    2. Common prefixes, root word, suffixes
    3. Write a short story / story problem using the vocab words
  7. Students “stand up and present” to the class one M-Step Question
    1. Students use SmartBoard / projector to illustrate problem / solution
    2. Students stand at their desk and address the center of the classroom, speaking, and present problem / solution
  8. Students get 1 extra credit point for 1 page of copying M-Step problems and solving them on a piece of paper (front and back) as homework,
    1. Students explain how they did their homework to a partner
    2. Students make up three alternative M-Step problems for others to solve.


mstep idea


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