Merry Christmas Card

I’m a wedding officiant when I can find the time. Here’s my 2022 card for my wonderful clients. Enjoy! Remember to put up your Mistletoe For you to catch your Love betrothed, For you to kiss beneath the stars, Within your home, your heart, your vows. Kiss like the time I married you, To your…

BAYES, As Seen on Twitter

Naive Bayes explained through Mafia/Werewolf: 7:02 PM – 29 Mar 2019 New conversation by (source TWITTER): Andy Seow  💭‏ @KokLeongSeow Mar 29 Naive Bayes classifiers are based on applying Bayes’ theorem. Instead of looking for p(y∣x) directly like discriminative models, we calculate p(y) and p(x∣y) to find p(y∣x). The *naive* part comes from the assumption that all features…

Will WE Race to Partisan Friendships Over Time?

Currently reading and thinking about these articles: Partisanship and Racial Attitudes, by Andrew M. Engelhardt, August 24, 2018. The Impact Of Voter Suppression Laws On African American Participation In Florida And North Carolina From 1988 To 2012, by Anthony Lewis Daniels, Dissertation, 2015. Republicanism, by John Renard Girdwood, 2018. I’m not sure what I think yet. Thanks…

Republicanism after Ratification!

From my dissertation: In this dissertation, I provide examples of historical boundaries of republican practices and beliefs in practice from 1775 through 1819 in American politics at the national level. This dissertation should help to establish verifiable boundaries of republicanism that will enable researchers to search for and observe the element of republicanism during the…

The Age of the Peripheralizing Function?

From my dissertation… The Early American “Republic” from 1775 through 1819 (working title) The Constitution of 1787 gave state governments the ability to perform a political role to protect popular sovereignty that most Americans from the Founders’ generation believed to be necessary for the proper functioning of the new Republic. State legislatures remained important to the…

Significant Correction of a Miscalculation by Dr. William Riker?

From my dissertation: Following Riker (1955), Resolutions of Instruction (ROI) were ineffective compared to the recall provision of the Articles of Confederation, and the circumstances surrounding ROI did not affect the partisan legislature after Ratification. At this, Grynaviski finds that a state’s decision to pass a ROI with respect for President Jackson’s Bank War, “was closely related to whether it issued bonds to…

New York, Leading Long Before California?

From my dissertation: Ray Gunn (1980) wrote ”The New York State Legislature: A Developmental Perspective: 1777-1846,” published in Social Science History, because he was stumped that “Given the centrality of legislatures in our representative system government, it is a remarkable fact that there is today no general, systematic history of state legislative development in America” (p. 267). By the time of the Constitution, republicanism had matriculated…