What’s New at MPSA 2020!

Regarding MPSA 2020, I coauthor a piece with Anthony Daniels titled, “The Russians Didn’t Make Americans Racist: Comparing Economic and Racial Attitudes and their Impact on the 2016 Election”

Working Abstract

The 2008 and 2012 election of Barack Obama allowed for many political pundits and some social scientists to claim that America’s racial issues were coming to an end due to a new “post-racial” society. Using logit and multi-variate regression analysis, our study assesses the impact of racial attitudes on the vote decision by white American voters for Donald Trump during 2016 using ANES data in order to explore evidence of the post racial society thesis. Our results demonstrate that significant levels of racialized voting occurred in favor of Trump. Therefore, social scientists should not expect the post racial society thesis to be significant during the election of 2020 and immediately beyond and more research is necessary regarding the importance of racial voting as an influence on American politics.

Main Point

In response to the presidential election of Donald Trump, famed comedian David Chappelle joked during 2018 that the Russians did not make Americans racist. His point, Americans didn’t need any assistance, we have managed racism on our own.


The Russians Didn’t Make America Racist: An analysis of the 2016 U.S. election

  • In Event: Elections and Vote Choice

Sat, April 18, 9:45 to 11:15am, TBA

Other Papers I am interested to see at MPSA 2020
wayne 2020 mpsa

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